new agricultural technology | straw spreader machine for planting | new agricultural machinery #1

new agricultural technology | straw spreader machine for planting | new agricultural machinery #1
new agricultural technology | straw spreader machine for planting | new agricultural machinery #1

new agricultural technology, straw spreader machine for planting, new agricultural machineryJorge Chavez it's manure for the plants - an extra form of fertilizer/compost or humus for the plants. As the straw decomposes, it provides food for the growing plants. And like Mike Pratali said, also for weed control - but it's primary purpose is organic fertilizer.Il y a des autres pays qui construissent des machines agriculturales. C'est assez avec l'Allemagne.呵呵,在中国哪会用这种机器,请几十个农民工一个下午就能搞定,又不费多少钱..


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